November 2, 2010


I've neglected this blog for quite a while and now I'm posting because the most spectacular thing happened today! I woke up and there was snow ALL OVER my car, the house, the's so amazing!

If any of you reading this blog are Alaskan, please try to keep the snickering and eye-rolling to a minimum...we just don't get snow where I grew up and lived in the Lower 48. And that's another thing. I've been here only about 3 weeks and I'm beginning to pick up the Alaskan "lingo". I'm hoping that soon they won't even know I'm not Alaskan.

As a way to fit in, I'm going today to invest in a set of studded snow tires. It will help my driving skills, I'm sure. I also walked the dogs with one of my roomies yesterday, and I found that I was a little premature in wearing them. Apparently, when you have -25 degree boots, you should wear them a little closer to actual winter weather rather than just because there is a slight dusting of snow on the ground. My feet were so warm that I was wishing for vents and my snowboard pants were also a bit excessive. When we got home, I was HOT.

So I bought a pair of North Face cross-country skiing pants and I wore my Romeos out of the house today. Watch out winter, here I come!

And no, I will not be posting a picture of my poor little stuck car ;)