Except one thing. Food. You see, when I travel, I carry pounds and pounds of nuts, fruit, granola bars, candy, jerky. Anything that I can eat without refrigerating or cooking. Because when it comes to food, APPARENTLY I'm not normal. Yes, APPARENTLY three meals a day should be enough. APPARENTLY some people can even eat in the morning, drive all day, SKIP lunch, and then eat a late dinner.
This doesn't fly with me. I transform into a complete beast if I don't have something to chew on besides gum at least every two hours.
I took the liberty of designing a simple chart to better explain what I mean.
The green line is what I imagine a normal person's blood sugar and hunger levels are throughout the day. The red line is me. Got it?
Unfortunately, I literally have been allotted only the space on my lap for my possessions on this trip. You're probably thinking, why not just stop and grab food? Here's the thing: APPARENTLY almost everything shuts down along the Alcan at the end of September.
So how the heck am I going to eat? I'm currently researching different kinds of shrunken foods, military grade packets that will sustain me throughout the day, and such. I think my best and most cost effective bet is going to be a portable feeding tube.
Any ideas on how to get a doctor's prescription for that?

Too bad I didn't read this earlier... I could have brought a feeding tube from work;) You are hilarious, btw.