Anyhow, here's what's gone down the last few:
1) I walked around panicked and in a daze. Because of this "issue", my Emily friend ended up packing for me. Thanks, Em!
2) I cried and reminisced. Not because I'm going to Alaska, but because I'm leaving behind all familiarity, my family, and because I realize that I'll eventually be saying goodbye to Amber.
3) I bit people's heads off. I've been very anxious and agitated. For those of you who have been victims of this, I love you and apologize.
I seriously contemplated burning the apartment complex down. Can you imagine how much more simple packing and moving would be if we just started new each time?
Our friends flew into Portland on Friday. They arrived at the ungodly hour of 5:30am. Fortunately, my insomnia has been in perfect form this week and so I was up packing. In fact, I hadn't quite gone to sleep. So, naturally, the first order of their vacation was to help me finish loading the moving truck, drive and hour, and unload the numerous boxes of kitchen paraphernalia and 4,000 books. No joke, there are actually more like 4,300 books. However, I believe we made up for it with wine tasting on Saturday. That is fabulous entertainment, by the way.
From there Anthony, Dad, and I packed and loaded the car, cleaned the apartment, and headed north to my final "going away" party. Thank you so much to Anthony and my Dad or else I'd have never ended to Mom's by 4:30pm on Sunday.
We got a late start this morning because it is the shortest of our journeying days, so we slept in, ate breakfast at our leisure, and took our time. I'm getting less anxious and more excited about the move.
I bet you're wondering why I titled my post the way I did. Well, I'm twittering and FB'ing our journey and found that many people have stereotypes about Canadians. I have to say I was impressed with how many people decided to put in their two cents of "cultural" comments regarding Canadians. I must say that the first Canadian we met today was a homeless pirate and screaming profanities at us. But not to worry, I've mostly only met Canadians that I'm quite fond of.
I'm quite surprised at how easy it was to say goodbye to Mom. I expected it to be more difficult. I decided it was easier because Mom has always supported anything I've thought to do. She's positive and encouraging and she believes in me. Knowing that has always made me stronger when I've felt helpless. I can imagine that the fact that I am able to just pick up the phone and chat with her anytime is a comfort.
Everything has been a whirlwind and I'm looking forward to the prospect of settling in. Saturday night Amber and I had a good cry. I think it'll happen again come the end of October, but crying makes us girls feel better and right now I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm particularly fond of our wierd mangled laugh-cry thing we have developed!
ReplyDeleteLove ya!! <3