September 28, 2010

Why I'm Feeling Anxious Tonight

My sister Sara is moving to Alaska in 6 days. Anchorage to be exact. Today we were flying home from a conference in San Diego, and as we were sitting in the airport, I suddenly started to feel very sorry for her.

I'm actually quite concerned about her survival up there. There are several reasons why I think this move may not be good for her. Let's just skip the unimportant ones and cut to the main one: She is going to miss me terribly.

She is very dependent on me. My opinion is extremely valuable to her, and she actually has a difficult time functioning properly when I'm not around to help her. Here are the things I'm positive she can't do without me: 1) Cook. 2) Have fun. 3) Do her hair. 4) Shop. 5) Drive. 6) Think rationally. You can see why I worry.

I felt compelled to voice these concerns to her in the airport today. As you can imagine, she was silent for some time. Then she laughed really hard in my face. Coping mechanism, that. I really hope she will be okay.

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